- Maps and nearby stars catalogue
After taking
photos of M57 I found out, that I have not
sufficient detailed maps. I have GSC catalogue
with 15 millions stars till 15mag, but it is not
sufficient for designating limiting magnitude of
long exposure photographs. Furthermore, I found
out, that it misses some stars brighter than 15mag.
After searching on Internet I found very nice
page of Jerry
Lodriguss with M57 description
and links to star data catalog.
I edited the catalog and compiled it to SkyMap Pro 7
Demo suitable catalogue. You can download it here. For more info about installing
external catalogues into SkyMap Pro 7 Demo, see
the SkyMap Pro 7 help.
Another interesting source of information is M57 Star Photometry By Brian Skiff web page |
Here is a part of map as it looks in
SkyMap Pro 7. Click the picture to see the whole map.

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Last Update: 18.10.2001