K3's Astronomy - Messier Catalog
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which You have set in place, what is Man that You are mindful of him?" -- Psalm 8:3,4

NGC3628 (Galaxy in Leo)

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NGC3628 (Galaxy in Leo). 10.5.2001 (9.5.2001, 22:01 - 22:20UT)
Resolution: 3.14 arcsec/pixel
Camera: Vesta 675SC2 at prime focus with 0.60FR
Telescope: 8" F6 Orion Europa Newtonian
Result focal ratio: F3.6
Exposure: summing 25x30s (gain 100%), 15xDF
Seeing: lim.magnitude for naked eye 4.0, temperature 12°C
Captured and summed in K3CCDTools, postprocessed in MaximDL Demo.

The galaxy is part of Leo Galaxy Triplet. It is 35 million light years far away from the Earth.

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The same AVI source as above, but harder postprocessing in MaximDL.
Result is in grayscale.

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Last Update: 20.5.2002