K3's Astronomy - Deep Sky
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which You have set in place, what is Man that You are mindful of him?" -- Psalm 8:3,4

M44 - The Beehive Cluster (Praesepe) in Cancer

Click the image to see the full size picture (4.81"/pixel).
North is to the left.
M44 - The Beehive Cluster (Praesepe) in Cancer, 05.05.2002 (21:12 - 21:21 UT)
Resolution: 9.62 arcsec/pixel
Camera: Vesta 675SC2 + 0.6FR
Telescope: 80mm F5 Skywatcher Refractor
Result focal ratio: F3.0
Exposure: 33x8s (gain 100%), AMP OFF, 24xDF

1, Stacked with K3CCDTools
2, Histogram + gamma factor 2.0 (K3CCDTools)

It is well known open cluster. Its relative brightness is 3.1mag.

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Last Update: 23.06.2002