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"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which You have set in place, what is Man that You are mindful of him?" -- Psalm 8:3,4

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K3CCDTools Free Key

This is free key for K3CCDTools version 1.
Please check if you have installed the latest version (K3CCDTools ver

The key is valid up to July 15, 2015
The new key will be released in July 2015

If you want to have the latest unlimited K3CCDTools version 3, and support further K3CCDTools development, you can register it on K3CCDTools Registration Page.

How to Enter a Key to K3CCDTools

There are several ways how to enter a free K3CCDTools key to K3CCDTools. You can find detailed description in K3CCDTools help in Chapter 5.2 - Entering K3CCDTools Key. You can use one of the following ways:

1, Copy the text of key by using a Copy Key to Clipboard button and paste it in Enter K3CCDTools Key dialog.
2, Download K3CCDFree.key file and copy it directly to K3CCDTools application directory.

Notification: If you enter not valid key, the K3CCDTools application will be terminated and you must restart K3CCDTools to enter the valid key. That’s why it is recommended to save all previous work in K3CCDTools before entering a key.

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Last Update: March 15, 2015